The Task:
To create a credible meat rich cat offering for Butcher’s, which is a brand with stronger associations in dog food than cat food.
The Insight:
Cats are carnivores by nature and only need meat in their diet, so a cat that is fed a meat rich meal would naturally be a happier, and more satisfied cat.
The Response:
I wanted to create a concept that really connected with cat owners who only want the best for their pet. Rather than positioning the brand around the meat content itself, I wanted to create a brand that focused on the end result... more meat means a happier cat, and a happier cat means a happier owner. I created the concept SMUG, that came from the idea of ‘the cat who got the cream’.
Awarded a Pentaward in 2018.
You can search Smug on The Winners page
Designed while working for: Springetts