Great Fashion Fast

Digital Fundraising Product

The Task:
To create a fun and inclusive, digital first, community fundraising product, with an emphasis on social media advertising. Inclusivity and accessibility was a key driver for the product, offering an opportunity for all supporters to get involved in raising money for Tearfund.

The Insights:
Identify a subject matter that could; offer an opportunity to highlight key issues we advocate for such as climate change and its effect on those living in poverty, would allow us to create a fundraising product that would not only be fun but educational too.

The Response:
The Great Fashion Fast offered an opportunity for a simple and inclusive fundraising challenge, where supporters were invited to take on a month long challenge, to use only 10 items of clothing for a month. The fundraiser offered an opportunity for all to get involved, requiring only what they had in their wardrobe. The word ‘Fast’ (a play on ‘fasting’, widely understood by our christian audience) connected the nature of the challenge with ‘Fast Fashion’. This allowed an opportunity for an educational piece around reusing rather than buying new, and the contributing factors of the fashion industry to climate change.

Creating fun and vibrant imagery using both photography and branded illustrations, we were able to create a distinctive look and feel for all digital advertising across our website and social media platforms. The idea was built from the iconic children’s paper craft, where paper figures could be dressed in a series of different outfits using paper tabs and cut outs. This brought a fun, lighthearted and family centred nostalgia to the look and feel.

Designed while working for: Tearfund


'Home is' Campaign