Christmas in
your Global Neighbourhood

Christmas Appeal & Digital Advent Product

The Task:
To create a concept for Tearfund’s 2021 Christmas appeal and advent offering, key messaging and visual look and feel. The concept needed to highlight the affects of the climate emergency on those around the world, the charity’s christian ethos, and language evocative of the Christmas season. The concept had to work across all key messaging sitting within our Christmas appeal, from lighter, reflective devotional content, through to appeal messaging with a clear call to action.

The Insight:
In 2021 we were all recovering from the global pandemic. In the absence of being able to spend time with family and friends, many of us were building closer relationships with our neighbours. In 2021 families were not able to gather at Christmas, so we wanted to build on these neighbourly relationships, asking the question; ‘Jesus taught us to love our neighbours - but who are they?

The Response:
We created the concept around the idea of ‘our global neighbours’, which filtered down into appeal and devotional messaging. Creating illustrative houses from different communities around the world, we created a look and feel around the idea of a ‘global village’. The concept was woven throughout our messaging. We encouraged supporters to reflect on how our global neighbours celebrate Christmas around the world through our advent devotional offering, and how they could help to support our global neighbours in our fundraising messaging.

Our advent devotional took the form of a digital advent calendar. Each animated door opened to reveal the day’s content or theme. Once the door had been opened, users landed on a story page where they could engage with the day’s reflection along with supporting photography and prayer content.

Above are some examples of our social media content. We carried the concept through both our organic and paid advertising, bring the visual look and feel to life with GIF animations and highlighting the usability of our digital advent calendar.

Designed while working for: Tearfund


'Home is' Campaign


Lent Devotional 2022 - One